

英漢字典: get down to business

get down to business   (TTS發音)

start serious discussion about stb. ; start doing sth. important perhaps after some time has been spent on irrelevant or social talk 開始談論正事;言歸正傳(或許是花了一些時間閒談以後)

    The two men had a couple of drinks together, talked about their families and their holidays for a while and finally got down to business. 這兩個人在一起喝了幾杯酒,談了一些有關家庭和度假的事情以後才談正事。

    I hope you don't mind if we get down to business straight away,as I've got to catch the four o'clock train. 我們馬上就討論本題,希望你不要介意,因為我要趕4點鐘的火車。

    Let's get down to business. 讓我們著手幹正事吧。

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